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Status Orange Alert in place for Clare

3 October 2019

Clare County Council is warning the public to avoid exposed coastal locations today Thursday. 

Met Éireann has issued a Status Orange Alert for Clare, the second highest level of alert that the agency can issue. 

The Storm Lorenzo status orange warning will affect the county from 6:00 p.m. this evening and winds will be at their strongest along the coasts. The warning remains in place until 6:00 a.m. tomorrow, Friday morning. South westerly winds veering westerly will reach mean speeds 60 to 80 km/h with gusts generally of 100 to 120 km/h, higher in coastal regions. Storm surges will produce coastal flooding and damage.

The Irish Coast Guard have advised the public to take note of the weather forecasts and are reminding walkers to 'Stay Back – Stay Dry – Stay High'.

Driving conditions will be hazardous and the public will need to take care and be conscious of cyclists and pedestrians. Flying debris, fallen trees and power lines are a risk. The Gardaí have asked motorists to avoid coastal roads in orange areas and ask that people don't put their lives and the lives of response teams in danger during the period by taking unnecessary risks.

Clare County Council is urging the general public to drive with caution and to be alert for any debris on roads tomorrow morning.

Clare County Council's Crisis Management Team met again this morning to review the situation and preparations taking place. The Local Co-ordination group consisting of the Council, HSE and Gardai are in ongoing formal communication also.

Visit for more information.

Useful Emergency Contacts

  • ESB: 1850 372 999                            
  • Irish Water: 1850 278 278
  • Fire & Rescue: 999 or 112             
  • Clare County Council: (087) 4169496 (outside of office hours)

Page last reviewed: 03/10/19

Content managed by: Corporate Services Department

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